Internet of Things untuk Meningkatkan Ketahanan masa pandemi dan setelahnya

This morning, still in collaboration with Indonesia IoT Association, we continue our IoT Makers Creation program to discover specific and local IoT solutions. This opportunity, we held consultation class of IoT Device Makers Creation: IoT for Resilience in The Face of Pandemics. I was able to meet our Indonesian IoT makers and shared my ideas about what can the makers do to help the country during this pandemic. The makers too, also exhibited optimism by seeing their participation during the whole event and shared brilliant progress about their IoT solutions.

During this hard time, solutions from the IoT makers, particularly to help MSMEs is fundamental because we still have to prevent the spread of covid-19 until the vaccines discovered while we have to keep our economy moves. MSMEs is definitely essential as the foundation of Indonesian economy and it is our main priority to make the MSMEs go digital. This could be achieved by implementing specific IoT solutions that could solve MSMEs problem in this pandemic time.

Today’s event is not the last and we still have more in the next weeks to sharpen our makers solutions. We hope that this effort could produce fruitful result to improve our resilience in this pandemics time and after.